Greek Gods

Greek and Roman Gods

Female Names: Female Deities, Names pertaining to deities
Male Names: Male Deities, Names pertaining to deities

Female Deities

Alala: greek: War goddess; Mar’s sister.
Ambika (ahm-bee-kah): hindu: Goddess of power and destruction
Anahid: armenian: Goddess of Moon
Artemis: roman: The Roman name of Diana; Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt. Connected with childbirth and had the power to inflict or heal sickness.
Astarte: syro-phoenician: Moon goddes, also goddess of war, victory, revenge, astrology, and sexuality
Astrea/Astraea (Ahs-tray-ee-ah): latin: Goddess of Justice
Bellona: roman/latin: Goddess of War
Brigid/Brigit/Brigitte: celtic: Similar to Vesta; Virgin Goddess of Fire of the hearth and home; strong
Calliope: latin: Goddess of Epic poetry; one of the Muses
Ceres: roman: Goddess of agriculture, identified with Demeter
Chanda: sanskrit: Name of goddess devi
Chandi: Angry name of goddess Sakti
Chloris/Flora: latin: Godess of Flowers
Cluacina (kloo-ay-seen-ah): roman: Surname of Venus; Goddess of Love
Cybele: phrygian: A goddess of the Earth and caverns, dark magick, and revenge
Cytheria/Cythereis (sigh-thehr-ees): latin: Another name for Venus; Goddess of Love
Cynthia: greek: Moon Goddess
Damia: greek: Goddess of the forces of nature
Demitri/Demeter: greek: Goddess of moon, grain and harvest; she was mother to Persephone, who went into the underworld as a bride of Hades.
Diana: greek: Virgin goddess of the moon and the wild hunt, she is also the protectoress of young women, goddess of childbirth, chastity, and fertility
Dictynna: latin: Byname of Diana (Goddess of the Moon and Hunt) as the goddess of the chase
Dione: greek: Another name for Diana; Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt
Eira: ?: Goddess of Medicine
Ellama: indian: Mother Goddess
Eris: latin: Goddess of discord or chaos
Feronia: sabine: Goddess of the groves
Feronia: latin: Goddess of the springs and woods (I know it’s written twice, but the other was a “Sabine” version)
Freyja: norse: Goddess of love, sexuality, fertility, childbirth, magick and war, also leader of the Valkeries and a shape-shifter
Gaea/Gaia (jee-ah or gigh-yah): greek: Goddess of the Earth; Mother of all life and the Gods
Hebe/Hebes: latin: Goddess of youth; cupbearer to the Gods
Hecate: greek: Dark goddess of the lower world or Underworld, worshiped as a goddess of spells and enchantment
Hera: greek: Great mother, Queen of Heaven, goddess of Earth and Moon, protectoress of women, marriage, the home, and childbirth
Hertha: german: A goddess of the Germans
Hlin (hel-in): ?: Goddess of Consolation; Counselor
Horae/Horarum: latin: The hours; goddess of the seasons
Irene: greek: Goddess of peace
Iris: greek: She is the Goddess of the rainbow. May have certain influences with the chakras. She is the sign of good fortune after a “storm” or dragic event
Isis: egyptian: Supreme Goddess, goddess of marriage, chilbirth, domestic life, healing, fertility, reincarnation, Earth, and Moon; Mother of the Gods
Juno: roman: The roman name of Hera; Queen and mother of the Gods
Kairos: greek: Goddess from Jupiter
Kali: sanskrit: Energy, dark Goddess. In hindu belief, she is the Goddess of destructive forces. She is also a goddess of vengeance. She is said to carry something in each hand for battle
Laka: hawaiian: Goddess of the hula
Laverna: latin: Goddess of rogues and thieves
Libitina: latin: Goddess of the funerals
Lilith: assyrian: Storm goddess
Luecothea: latin: Ino as a sea-goddess
Lucina: latin: Goddess of Childbirth
Luna: roman: Goddesss of the Moon.
Maia: greek: Nurse, mother, goddess of spring
Matuta: latin: Goddess of the early hours or dawn
Minerva: greek: Goddess of wisdom, the arts and science, protection, peace, and medicine
Moira/Moriae: greek: Goddess of destiny/fate
Nahid: latin?: Another name for Venus; Goddess of Love
Nemesis: greek: Dark goddess of justice and revenge
Nott: ?: Goddess of Night
Opis: latin: Goddess of plenty
Phoebe: latin: Moon goddess, sister of Phoebus
Pomona: latin: Goddess of fruits
Quan-Yin/Kwan-Yen: chinese: The chinese goddess of Mercy and Compassion.
Sedna: native american: Godddess of food
Selena/Selene: greek: Moon goddess. Sister to Helios. Similar to Diana, but not a huntress or a virgin. Said to have had fifty daughters by Endymion.
Sita: indian: Mother, earth Goddess
Snotra: ?: Goddess of Virtue
Tacita: latin: The goddess of silence
Terra: latin: Goddess of Earth
Tethys (teh-thees): latin: A sea-goddess
Uke Mochi: japanese: The goddess of food, who was killed by Tsuki-Yomi.
Vacuna: sabine: Goddess of rural leisure
Venus: roman: Roman equivalent of Aphrodite; Goddess of Love, beauty, sex, and healing
Vesta: greek: Virgin goddess of the hearth and domestic life

Female names pertaining to deities/divine

Abida: arabian: She who worships
Ailsa: hebrew: Concencrated to God; Pledge from God
Ajay: hindu: God
Amadis: latin: Love of god
Apollonia/Abellona: danish-greek: Of Apollo
Artemisia: greek: Belong or of Artemis
Bohdana: russian: From god
Chane: hindu: Name of a god
Deandra: latin: Divine
Denise: greek: Of Dionysius
Dea: italian: Goddess
Deva: sanskrit: Divine
Diana/Diane: greek: Of Diana; Divine
Diella (dee-el-uh): latin: Worships god
Diva: latin: Goddess
Ellice: greek: The Lord is God
Isabel/Elizabeth/Isabella/Eliza/Lyzie: spanish/english/latin : Pledge to God
Jeane/Jeanne/Jeanine/Jeannette/Jennette/Janice: latin: God is gracious
Joaquin/Joaquine: hebrew: God will judge
Kaili: hawaiian: A name of a deity
Megami: japanese: Goddess
Matrika: hindu: Mother, name of goddess
Moriah/Mariah: hebrew: The Lord is my teacher
Panthea: greek: Of all the gods
Rabie: turkish: Goddess
Thea (thee-uh): greek: Goddess
Theola: greek: Divine

Male Deities

Aeolus (ay-ee-oh-lus): latin: God of winds
Aesculapius (ay-skuh-lah-pee-uhs): latin: God of the medical arts
Anila: indian: God of wine
Anubis: egyptian: Dog-headed God
Apis: egyptian: The bull, an Egyptian God
Apollo: greek: Sun god
Ares: greek: God of War
Ashura/Ashur: assyrian: Ashur was the chief god of war and empire. He was always spoiling for a fight, was very mischevious, and was constantly getting in trouble with the other gods.
Bacchus: roman: God of wine
Balder: scandinavian: God of Light
Clusius (kloo-see-uhs): ?: Surname of the god Janus in the time of peace
Cronus/Cronos/Kronos: greek: The greek version of Saturn. Was the god of time and the mightiest of all Titans.
Cupid: roman: God of love, son of Venus
Dinesh: hindu: Sun, god of the day
Dionysus: greek: Greek name of Bacchus; God of Wine
Erebus: latin: God of Darkness
Eros: greek: God of love
Gradivus: latin: Surname of Mars, who steps to the battle
Hinun: ?: God of clouds and rain
Indra: hindu: God of power
Ivar: norse: A Norse God; the archer
Jupiter/Jove: roman: The roman version of Zeus. He was the god of the heavens and the Earth, the god of justice and the ruler of all the other gods.
Manda: hindu: Saturn, God of the occult
Mars: roman: The Roman name of Ares; God of War. One of the chief gods of the pantheon, who was associated with military power and glory. He was driven by rage and violence and preferred to spend his days battling.
Masou (mah-so-oo): native american: Fire deity
Mayon: hindu: The black god
Mercurius/Mercury/Hermes: latin/roman/greek: The messenger of the gods; God of eloquence, luck, game of chance, wealth, commerce, sleep, dreams and story telling. He was a patron of merchants, deception and thieves. He was the messenger and herald of the gods and the conductor of the souls of the dead to Hades.
Mithras: persian: Sun-god
Mitra (migh-trah): indian: God of daylight
Morpheus: latin: God of Dreams
Nereus: latin: A sea-god
Neptune: roman: The god of water, rain, and fertility and known as the King of the Sea and Ocean. Also sometimes known as the god of horses.
Odin: norse: Odin is one of the three original Aesir gods who created the world and mankind. He is the God of war, storms, wisdom, and honor. He had only one eye, but had inner sight, and nine of his children became gods as well.
Osiris: egyptian: Lord of life after death, The Great God, god of fertility, death and reincarnation, justice, order, power. God of Gods
Pan: greek: God of the woodlands, fertility in all its forms, wild animals, music, nature spirits, and dance
Peneus: latin: River-god
Phoebus: latin: Sun-god; brother of Phoebe
Pilumnus: latin: An old god of marriage
Pluto: roman: God of the lower world, equivalent is Hades in greek mythology. Also connected to Plutus.
Plutus: latin: God of wealth
Poseidon: greek: The greek version of Neptune.
Priapus: latin: God of fruitfulness
Proteus: latin: A sea-god
Raiden: chinese: Originally spelled “Raijin”. Raijin is the god of thunder, and is often portrayed as a red demon beating a drum. In Japanese, the word “raiden” means “thunder”.
Raini: native american: Deity who created the world
Saturn: roman: The god of the harvest.
Shiva: hindu: Shiva is one of the three principal Hindu deities. Shiva is a god of complementary actions. He is portrayed as both destroyer and restorer of worlds; as a both a giver and a taker. He is part of the triad that also includes Brahma and Vishnu.
Silvanus: latin: God of the woods
Sin: sumerian: God of the moon, destiny, destruction of all evil, predictions, and wisdom
Summanus: ?: An Etruscan; later also a Roman deity: the god of Night throwing lightning
Surya: indian: Sun God
Terminus: latin: God of boundaries
Tsuki-Yomi: japanese: Japanese Shinto god of the moon, who killed the goddess Uke Mochi.
Uranus: roman/greek: Personifies the evening night sky, who came forth spontaneously from Gaea, the Earth. Was also the husband of Gaea and fathered the Titans, the Cyclops, the hundred-handed monsters, and other creatures.
Vejovis: roman: God of vengeance
Vertumnus: latin: God of seasons
Vulcanus: latin: God of fire and furnace
Zephyr: latin/greek: The god of the West wind. Also known as the “gentle wind”.
Zeus: greek: Supreme diety and the most powerful of the gods. He was god of the sky, rain, thunder, and thunderbolts.

Male names pertaining to deities/divine

Akshay: hindu: Name of a god
Amado: latin: Loving deity
Chike: african: Power of God
Dennis: greek: Of Dionysius
Dio: italian: God
Divus: latin: God
Gustave/Gustaf: swedish: God’s staff or Staff of God; Staff of the Goths
Ilias: latin: Jehovah is my God
Joe/Joseph/Joey: hebrew: God will increase
Jonathan: hebrew: Gracious gift of God
Kaikara (kah-ee-kah-rah): ugandan: Traditional name of god
Kaiou (kaioh): japanese: Sea/Ocean King. Refers to the god Neptune/Poseidon.
Kamal: hindu: A name of a God
Kantha: hindu: A name of a God
Meiou (meioh): japanese: Dark King. Refers to the god of the underworld; Pluto/Hades.
Nathan: hebrew: Gift of God
Sandya: hindu: Name of a god
Tenou (tenoh): japanese: Sky/Heaven King. Refers to the god Uranus.

Achelous: a river god.

Adonis: god of beauty

Aeacus: judge of the Underworld.

Aeolus: Greek and Roman, god of the winds.

Alphaeus: Greek river god.

Amor, Cupid: Roman, god of Love, son of Venus.

Anteaus: Greek, a giant, son of Poseidon and Gaia.

Apollo: Greek and Roman. God of sun, fertility, light and truth, medicine, music, poetry, fine arts and eloquence.

Aquilo: Roman, god of the north wind.

Arcas: Greek, the star Arcturus.

Ares: Greek god of war and violence.

Aristaeus: Greek. A Pan-type god, medicine and soothsaying.

Asclepius: Greek god of healing and medicine. Known to Romans as Aesculapius.

Astraeus: Greek. father of the four winds.

Atlas: Greek. Supports the world on his shoulders.

Auster: Roman, god of the South Wind.

Bacchus: Roman god of wine. Greek equivalent Dionysus.

Cabeiri, the: Greek minor underground smith gods.

Cadmus: Greek. Said to have given the Greeks their alphabet.

Castor and Pollux: Greek and Roman. The constellation Gemini.

Centaurs: Greek, creatures with the body of a horse and the torso, arms and head of a man.

Chaos: Greek, personification of the limitless void out of which the universe emerged.

Charon: Greek, ferryman of the dead across the River Styx into the Underworld.

Chiron, Cheiron: Greek, the wise centaur.

Coeus, Coeius: Greek, a Titan.

Consus: Roman, earth god of grain and harvest.

Cronus: Greek and Phoenician, original Titan.

Cupid: Roman god of love.

Cyclopes: Greek, one eyed giants.

Dardanus: Greek, founder of the Trojan race.

Demophoon: Greek, fertility god.

Deucalion: the Greek Noah.

Deus Fidius: Roman, god of hospitality.

Dianus: early Roman oak god.

Dionysus: Greek, god of vegetation, fertility and wine.

Dis: Roman Underworld god.

Erebus: Greek, “darkness” born of Chaos.

Erichthonius: son of Hephaestus and Gaia.

Eros: Greek god of love.

Eurus: Greek god of the East Wind.

Evander: Roman. Said to have brought the Greek alphabet and Greek deities to Italy.

Evenor: Greek/Atlantean. One of the Earth born primeval men.

Faunus: one of Rome’s most ancient nature gods.

Favonius: Rome personification of the West wind.

Februus: Roman god of February, “the cleansing month” and month of the dead.

Fides: Roman, “faith”, good faith.

Ganymede: Greek, cup bearer to Zeus.

Glaucus: Greek, a sea god.

Hades: Greek god of the Underworld, also a name for the Underworld itself.

Halirrhothius: Greek, killed by Ares foir having raped his daughter Alcippe.

Hecatoncheires: Greek, hundred handed”, raw forces of nature.

Helios: Greek sun god.

Herakles: Greek. demi-god son of Zeus.

Hermaphrodite: Greek, he united with the nymph Salmacis to become one bisexual body.

Hermes: Greek, messenger of the gods, the god of intellect, communication, commerce and travel; on occasion also a trickster.

Hesper, Hesperus: Greek, the evening star.

Hymen: Greek god of marriage and wedding.

Hyperion: Greek, an early sun god.

Hypnos: Greek god of sleep.

Iacchus: Greek, a title of Dionysus.

Iapetus: Greek, a titan.

Iasion: Greek, lover of Demeter in a crop fertility rite.

Inachus: pre-Greek river god.

Ixion: Greek, son of Ares.

Janus: Roman god of doorways and the turn of the year.

Jupiter, Jove: Roman supreme god.

Ladon: Greek, a river god.

Lares: Roman family and public gods of crossroads and fields.

Liber Pater: Roman, an early Latin fertility god.

Maeander: Greek, god of a river.

Mamurius: Roman, an erotic shepherd god.

Mars: Roman god of war.

Melanion: Greek, successful suitor of Atalanta.

Meleager: Greek hero.

Memnon: Greek, son of dawn goddess.

Mercury: Roman, god of communication and travel, messenger of the gods, and patron of merchants.

Miletus: Greek, son of Apollo, founder of Miletus.

Minos: Greek, son of Zeus.

Momus: Greek god of mockery and spiteful criticism.

Morpheus: Greek god of dreams.

Mulciber: Roman title of Vulcan.

Museos: “muse man” Greek, son of Hecate.

Neptune: Roman sea god.

Nereus: Greek, a sea god.

Oceanus: Greek, god of the great river which girdled the universe.

Odysseus, Ulysses, Ulixes: Greek, hero of Homer’s Odyssey.

Olympians, the: Greek, the pantheon of the Classical period.

Ophion: Greek, the cosmic snake.

Orcus: Roman, god of death.

Orion: Greek, placed in the heavens.

Paeon: Greek, an early healer god.

Palaemon: Greek, a sea god.

Pales: Roman, a god of pastures and cattle.

Pan: Greek. God of nature, the countryside and the woods.

Penates: Roman household gods – indoor, of hearth and pantry.

Peneus: Greek, a river god.

Perses: Greek, Titans, shining light.

Phaeton: Greek, son of Helios.

Phanes: Greek, “light”, first being born from the Cosmic Egg.

Phobos: Greek, “fright”, one of the sons of Ares who accompanied him to battle.

Phoebus: Greek, another name for Apollo – “Shining”

Phorcys: Greek, an early sea god.

Phosphorus: Greek, personification of the planet Venus as Morning Star.

Picunnus: Roman, protective gods of the newborn.

Picus: Roman, “woodpecker”, son of Saturn.

Pluto: Roman equivalent of the Greek Hades.

Plutus: Greek, god of wealth.

Pontus: Greek “sea”, an early sea god.

Poseidon: Greek, most important sea god.

Priapus: Greek, fertility god.

Prometheus: Greek, personification of wise advice. Brought fire to mankind.

Proteus: Greek, an early sea god.

Rhadamanthus: Greek, renowned for his wisdom and justice, he was tutor to Herakles. Become one of the judges of the Underworld.

Robigus: Roman, god who protected crops from blight.

Romulus and Remus: Roman, twin sons of Mars and Rhea Silvia, legendary founders of Rome.

Sabazius: Greek, a sun god.

Saturn: Roman, an early god of planting and harvest.

Satyrs: Greek, forest and mountain spirits, originally animal in form, with hairy bodies, goats’ hooves, horns and pointed ears; sensual, fond of chasing nymphs. Later became more graceful, given to music and dance, but still horned and orgiastic.

Scamander, Xanthus: Greek, a Phrygian river god.

Semo Sanctus: Roman, god of oaths.

Silenus: Greek, an attendant of Dionysus, fat, bald, cheerful and always drunk, yet full of wisdom and knowledge.

Silvanus, Sylvanus: Roman, god of fields, woods, and flocks. Guardian of boundary lines.

Summanus: Roman, an early god of thunder.

Tantalus: Greek, a divine king punished by Zeus.

Telluno: Roman, very early fertility god.

Tenagis: Greek, one of the 7 heliads, highly intelligent.

Terminus: Roman, god of property and fixer of boundaries.

Thanatos: Greek, “death”, a minor Underworld god.

Thaumas: Greek, father of Iris.

Theseus: Greek, slayer of the Minotaur.

Tiberinus: Roman, god of the River Tiber.

Titans, the: Greek, the 12 children of Uranus and Gaia.

Tithonos: Greek, husband of Eos.

Triptolemus: Greek, taught the Greeks the art of ploughing and harvesting.

Triton: Greek, part man part sea-serpent.

Typhoeus: Greek, spirit of the hurricane.

Typhon: Greek, storm god.

Uranus: Greek, personification of the sky.

Vertumnus: Roman, god of gardens and orchards.

Vulcan: Roman, god of fire and metal working, corresponding to the Greek Hephaestus.

Zephyrus: Greek god of the west wind.

Zeus: Greek, the supreme god.