Mars Base

division of Chromacity. This division of the club consists of friends who get together to communicate, and share interests and ideas. We are also responsible for 90% of the content added to Chromacity and the other links here.

We are separated into 6  different sections. Mainly for amusement of having different ideas expressed we are always happy to add new members to our division. We also can add new Section names for those who just want to different,  and want a part of the club dedicated to special interests of their own. 

Our Division, Mars Base, is the largest of all of the divisions. Our membership’s are given out by the leaders of each section and last for as long as anyone wants to be included in our division. If you wish to transfer to a different Division or Section we will gladly transfer you.

Have lots of fun! Enjoy what ever it is that you do at work, at play, at friends, at family, and at your hobbies!!!